Monday, September 1, 2008

Art of philosophy...

I often get to hear from my friends and others that my conversations are a little more than philosophical. More often than not, I get into some discussion and people ask me to stop "inventing" philosophies.

I am left completely puzzled when I get to hear such things. If I now take a step back and give it a second though, I am sure of nothing but one - I have been trying to describe a well established fact instead of "inventing something." I am sure some people will find me "justifying" certain things when I put forward a set of arguments.

As they say - put your foot in someone else' shoes to feel what they feel - for a second I will try different shoes. If I were on the other side of the table, I might will call it "invention" coz I may have made a conscious decision not to believe in what the other person is saying, OR I have known those facts but haven't been able to acknowledge it. Often I find running away from the responsibilities an easier option compared to dealing with the situation.

The very phrase "inventing the philosophy" - however catchy it may sound, DID got me thinking. I was deliberately trying to figure the definition of this word in my world... It is ironical when we put conscious effort to come up with something, we seldom come up with something that we will be pleased with / and feel satisfied about. Having stated this fact, I couldn't not come up with anything meaningful. At lack of originality, I landed up running to "Lord Google" to rescue me. I wanted to see if / how others had defined this word.

Later that day, I was busy running errands and this thought pops up in my mind "Philosophy is an art of being spontaneously logical." and it made so much sense to me. I have been just trying to link the fact in more logical way such that its easy to see, understand and more importantly believe in.

Over a period of time I have observed that its important to have spontaneity. This saves one from getting into a confined and traditional thought process. If definitely brings up an interesting question - if the art is all about being spontaneous, can this be learnt at school? I see people taking up philosophy as the major and spending years at university to learn it. Not sure if that's the playground where one can sharpen the skills. I think the ability to logically relate the things come from living more life. When I say living more life, I mean paying enough attention to our daily trivial experiences such that we learn out of them. I somehow have gotten a feeling over a period of time that if we make philosophy a profession / or offer a specialization, we rather would end up creating a useless factory to produce jackass people trying to beat other bunch of jackass folks for what they have wrote / said in past. Again more important and critical part of the issue here is, how would you start quantifying various paradigms of such a liquid subject.

I am sure we can talk about this forever and write a thesis on it but I will leave it here...

As Albert Einstein says "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results", may be those jackass folks were doing the right thing..

I will come back to this topic for sure and add / update more content!!

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