Friday, December 4, 2009

Social Networking Sites - Reflecting Truth??

I am inspired to writing about Social networking again since I came across this article: Social networking sites reveal users' true personality

My first expression was... "really?", "Is it possible??", "Can people be this honest?" but now that I give a second thought to it, I think this is possible because of a few reasons
  1. Netizens are growing more mature ? stalking ones's gf/bf and watching porn is not the *only* activities
  2. Net has turned out to be an integral part of our lives (see this article)
  3. People may find it easy to share the things when they are not surrounded by others
  4. People feel more free to appreciate the shared things when none's watching '
I hardly get a chance to go online and catch up over Facebook and sometimes I think people don't have to publish details as granular as how much disgusting it was for my fellow mates when I farted in the tee! Knock it off guys... we don't want to know what are you doing every minute ! S wasting your time to update your status on all these sites?

But for sure when used such sites legitimately ? it will provide me wealth of information about persona of an individual.

1 comment:

  1. can't change the develop the skills to look only at the updates 'of your interest' ... facebook does provide facility to block out 'unwanted' updates ;)
